I’m Not Great at Goal Setting

Hey you,

Here we are at Day #2 already, and though I’m still feeling motivated the reality is setting in. How am I going to squeeze in time for 500 words a day, every day? This weekend I’m going to be somewhere for a couple of days without WiFi. Who doesn’t have Wifi!??! My bf’s parents… that’s who. So right away I’m faced with a challenge to my challenge. Sigh.

When I rediscovered some old blog posts not long ago, I realized that I did indeed finish a challenge once or twice. This actually surprised me. Surprised! I participated in the 365 daily photo challenge and ALMOST made it, so I started again and did even more. I was so close you guys. So close. And even though I didn’t entirely finish, I still ended up with much more than a year’s worth of photos. I did a daily song challenge for a month, and I lost 50 lbs once, then 30 lbs again (though I’ve gained both back – that’s another story). What gives? I KNOW that when I set my mind to something I can do it.

It’s April. This isn’t a New Year’s Resolution. I don’t have to wait for a Monday, or a Saturday, or the 1st of the month. It’s today.

Today’s challenge prompt is to set goals for the challenge. It’s already making me nervous. Now there’s something to fail at. Now there’s something I’m supposed to do. Now it’s real.

But here’s what I want to do with this daily writing challenge:

Most of all, I want to get into the habit of writing. We are all creatures of habit. When we do something every day it becomes part of our life. It moves beyond just a habit and becomes part of who we are. I want to be the kind of person that is not ok with letting herself down, who doesn’t brush it off, who doesn’t expect it. I want to expect that I will succeed. Because I can, and it shouldn’t surprise me. So, broadly my goal is to finish the challenge. To start small, because finishing the challenge and sticking to it will push me through everything else until I reach the top of the tree (shout out to my photo)

Specifically, for this month, I want to try to focus on my blog topics. I want to figure out what I am most excited to write about. My last post covered a ridiculous variety of topics, which combined together would probably not appeal to anyone except for me.

I was prompted to think about a theme (yes, again), which will help me not have to think about what to write about. I can’t just write about the prompts, and regurgitate the challenge Qs. Basically, along with the challenge prompts I’m going to freewrite. I’ll pick a topic from that ridiculous list in yesterday’s post, and write about each one of them at some point throughout the month. Consider that my outline. I know it will help me find what’s most exciting for me to write, and for you to read!

Until tomorrow.


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