Persuade That I Can Not Persuade

Hey you,

Today’s challenge is about persuasion. I’m supposed to attempt to get you to try something new, change your opinion about something, or so on… but I don’t want to. I’m exhausted, and I’m not a persuasive or debating person.

I’m a Libra. Part of that means that I’m good at seeing both sides of an issue and staying open minded (it’s a quality I admire and appreciate). It’s hard to really feel persuasive in that case. It’s as though I’m saying I’m right and you’re wrong. There are only a select few things that I have strong enough opinions on that would warrant me feeling that if you don’t believe what I believe then you’re a doodiehead… I’m not going to tell you what to think politically and/or religiously. That’s such a personal thing, and I think more suitable for one on one discussion, where I can hear why you believe what you do (and then use it against you! muah ahhahahahahaa)…

But really, I mean, the synonyms for persuade, according to, include such gems as brainwash, sway, coerce, coax, propagandize, and exhort.  Ick.

I’m not going to win any debates. In my high school year book, I was listed as Most Likely To Be Falling Down, not Most Successful, or Most Likely To Be Famous, or Most Persuasive.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a pushover… I have opinions, and willingly share them. I’m stubborn.

Spay and neuter your pets! Adopt, don’t shop! Chocolate is always better (ok, maybe not always… and not white chocolate)! Don’t be a sexist, racist, homophobic jerkface (is that one even debatable?)! Canada is awesome! Things like that…

But you are you and I am me. You might think that vanilla is better. And you’d be wrong.

Part of being me is wanting to research things, especially if I’m supposed to be persuasive. But not tonight.

Part of being me is being introverted (kind of ambiverted really, but the older I get the more introverted I become)… It’s ok to relax. I need to disengage and to step inside my head for a bit after being social all day.

So, long story short, I just hope I have persuaded you into believing that I am not always persuasive… especially not tonight. For that I’m sorry. I won’t be winning any awards with this post, but at least I kept going.


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